Monday, August 14, 2006

Ten Facts About Eating Disorders

  1. Eating disorders are not about food.

  2. Your relationship with food will mirror your relationship with others.

  3. An eating disorder is a desperate attempt to find control in a world (outside of you and within you) that is filled with chaos.

  4. An eating disorder is a flee from pleasure.

  5. An eating disorder is a disconnect from the body.

  6. With an eating disorder, real fears that a person is unable to face are refocused onto fears regarding food, weight, and body image.

  7. Unexpressed anger turns to revenge through an eating disorder.

  8. We aren't born hating our bodies but most people (with and without an eating disorder) will spend the rest of our life making peace with our body.

  9. Eating disorders are serious and potentially life-threatening. They do not go away in time or on their own. Eating disorders always require professional help.

  10. Recovery is possible and happens within supportive, healing relationships.

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