Friday, October 9, 2009

Reverse Psychology

I am constantly amazed by the work that I not take that in a conceited way. I am amazed that I get the opportunity to sit with others and explore the dark and murky paths of life, the mountaintop joys and the in between--the gloaming, as the Irish used to put it. It is in that sitting alongside, across from, that I get to dispense not advice, but myself, and have it received well...what a healing experience for myself, and I hope for the other who sits across from me. I often have the feeling that the person in my office was put there for My good, as well as their own. That somehow, God has orchestrated this meeting for maximum benefit of all involved. That as I challenge and encourage this individual, my own heart is growing and being challenged alongside. How cool is that calling? I have sometimes felt dark feelings for the work that I do, that I somehow am living out a punishment for not listening better in math class in 8th grade, and so I am left with this profession. But today I was reminded of the incredible redemption that is available to me in this work of mine. It is a good day.