Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Feeling depressed?

Did you know that the opposite of depression is not happiness? I've been reading a great book about depression. It's called Undoing Depression by Richard O'Connor, Ph.D. He writes about depression not being a feeling but an inability to feel. When we are depressed, we are disconnected from what we are actually feeling. We may be feeling sad or lonely or anxious but as a way to protect ourselves from feeling the pain of those feelings, we block out those feelings. We may do this by keeping ourselves busy or distracted. We may do this through an addiction. We may do this by focusing on other people all the time. A depressed mood comes from this blockage. In this way, Dr. O'Connor writes that the opposite of depression would be a freedom to experience and express our feelings - whatever they may be - happiness, anger, sadness, fear, etc.
In order to know what we are feeling, we need to be connected to our feelings. What helps you connect to your feelings? Talking to someone you trust? Listening to music? Watching a movie? Journaling? Taking a walk? Getting out in nature? Time alone?

What feeling(s) are you working so hard to suppress?

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