Wednesday, September 14, 2005


I'm convinced, the # 1 reason people don't seek counseling is fear. Not because they can't afford it; not because they don't have time. Because it is scary. Well, yes, it can be. That fear isn't necessarily irrational. It is scary to face our truth, to look at ourselves, to explore our hearts and relationships and share the stories of our life in the face of another. You're stretched; you shed dead skin. It's normal to be apprehensive.

I view the counseling process as a relationship. And choosing to enter into any relationship is scary. Particularly a relationship that holds up a mirror for you, that seeks out your heart, that requires honesty and authenticity and invites you to more. Counseling can be a time of reflecting, letting go, grieving, changing, growing & healing. It can also be a time of great exploration, discovery, play & laughter.

The truth is, it takes real courage and strength to take that first step towards health and healing... to ask for help, to desire more for your life, your relationships, and your future. And, you don't have to be in crisis to benefit from professional help. In fact, it's much easier to work on your problems before you hit the crisis level. There is no problem too big or too small when it comes to counseling. Prevention and maintenance can go a long way. Just see how long your car will last if you skimp on oil changes. How much more important is your heart and your relationships? Decide today not to let fear hold you back, in all aspects of your life. Whether it's your career, your relationships, pursuing your dreams, or talking with a counselor.

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