Monday, December 15, 2008

When you aren't having such a "happy holidays"

Tis the season to be jolly, happy and merry but for a lot of people the holidays are a very difficult time. You may be grieving the loss of a loved one, or struggling with loneliness or broken relationships. There isn't a lot of holiday music, ornaments, or christmas greeting cards that acknowledge this reality. It's okay if you aren't in the Christmas spirit. Pretending that you are will only hinder your healing process. You don't have to have a Christmas tree or decorate your house (unless these things could bring you some comfort rather than exhaust you). You can say no to invitations to Christmas parties. And yet, it may be detrimental for you to isolate yourself. Find a trusted friend or loved one to be real with. You may have to be upfront and tell them what you are needing - a hug, a listening ear, an afternoon away from the kids to see a movie or browse through a bookstore, etc. And then, let safe people be there for you. Start a journal. Rest and take care of yourself. You aren't alone. There is hope. There will be healing. This too is a season.

1 comment:

alex45 said...

You are really correct...
We can't miss such a days in life..
You are good viewer...

keep it up.


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